Evan W. 'Bill' Woollacott, Jr., FCA, MAAA 860.856.2118
Vice President and Consulting Actuary
Actuarial and Benefits Consulting
Professional Qualifications
- Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries
- Member of the American Academy of Actuaries
- Enrolled Actuary
At Hooker & Holcombe, Inc., Evan (“Bill”) consults with both public sector and corporate clients. He has over 25 years of actuarial experience and joined H&H after serving as a consulting pension actuary with a national actuarial firm. His areas of expertise include nondiscrimination testing, union negotiations, DROP plans, arbitration testimony, pension plan design, annuity purchases, FASB and GASB reporting.
For six years, Bill published solutions to the enrolled actuary exams and has been a past pension chairman of the Hartford Actuaries Club. He has also been a speaker at the Enrolled Actuaries Meeting and has taught pension fundamentals for ASPA.
Bill graduated from Butler University in 1978 with an undergraduate degree in Mathematics. In 1985, he graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Master’s degree in Actuarial Science.
Professional Affiliations
Bill is a member of the US Government Finance Officers Association and the CT Government Finance Officers Association.